联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101
Firstly, it is important to know that biogas contains water and hydrogen sulfide, and water has a significant impact on the utilization of biogas. The combined action of moisture in biogas and hydrogen sulfide can accelerate the corrosion of pipelines, valves, flow meters, etc., extending the service life of equipment for normal gas supply. It is necessary to install a biogas desulfurizer in the gas transmission pipeline, so dehydration treatment needs to be carried out simultaneously during biogas desulfurization to remove moisture and hydrogen sulfide in the biogas and increase the quality of produced biogas.
There are two desulfurization methods for biogas desulfurizers: wet and dry desulfurization. Dry desulfurization has the advantages of simple process, mature and reliable, low cost, and good purification effect. The most popular one among them is the use of desulfurizers.
The exterior of the biogas dehydrator adopts a carbon steel structure with internal anti-corrosion treatment. When biogas enters from the upper inlet at a certain pressure, the water droplets rotate and collide with the wall of the dehydrator under centrifugal force, causing the water droplets to lose kinetic energy and separate from the biogas, achieving the purpose of dust removal and dehydration. The water droplets inside the device flow downwards along the inner wall and are stored at the bottom of the device, and are regularly discharged.
The biogas coming out of the soft biogas digester contains a large amount of harmful gases such as water and hydrogen sulfide. After preliminary dehydration and dust removal, biogas enters the desulfurizer. By using reasonable reaction conditions, hydrogen sulfide in biogas can be removed to below 200ppm.
The desulfurized biogas enters the biogas booster fan for pressurization and transportation.
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