






联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



Disadvantages of water washing method:

  1) 微生物会在洗涤塔内的填料表面生长形成生物膜,从而造成填料堵塞,因此,需要安装自动冲洗装置,或加氯杀菌;

1) Microorganisms will grow and form biofilms on the surface of the packing in the washing tower, causing packing blockage. Therefore, it is necessary to install an automatic flushing device or add chlorine for sterilization;

  2) 虽然水洗过程可以同时去除H2S,但为了避免其对脱碳阶段所用压缩设备的腐蚀,应在脱CO2之前将其去除;

2) Although the washing process can simultaneously remove H2S, in order to avoid corrosion of the compression equipment used in the decarbonization stage, it should be removed before CO2 removal;

  3) 提纯后的产品气处于水分饱和状态,须进行干燥;

3) The purified product gas is in a water saturated state and needs to be dried;

  4) 废气含有硫和低浓度的甲烷,在处理量大的水洗中,需用蓄热式热氧化技术进行废气处理;

4) The exhaust gas contains sulfur and low concentration methane, and in high capacity water washing, thermal storage oxidation technology is required for exhaust gas treatment;

  5) 当解析塔中的利用空气进行解析时,空气将溶解于水中的CO2和H2S剥离出,然后空气/气体混合物从剥离器顶部流出。空气中的氧气会部分溶解于水,可能会增加产品气中氧气的含量;

5) When using air for analysis in the tower, the dissolved CO2 and H2S in the water are stripped out by the air, and then the air/gas mixture flows out from the top of the stripper. The oxygen in the air will partially dissolve in water, which may increase the oxygen content in the product gas;


  6) 有废水产生,洗气容器应配有一个倒出装置用来撇去和去除容器内顶层液体。其中可能含有轻微的烃馏成分、硫、脂肪及其它污染物。撇出的液体(废水)应进行收集并进行处理;

6) If wastewater is generated, the gas washing container should be equipped with an outlet device to skim and remove the top liquid inside the container. It may contain slight hydrocarbon fractions, sulfur, fats, and other pollutants. The skimmed liquid (wastewater) should be collected and treated;

  7) 为了最大限度的提高在洗气容器内对CO2和H2S的吸收,工艺用水水温应小于10℃,一般大约保持在7℃,需配置工业冷水机组保持工艺用水温度。在寒冷的环境中,连同冷水机组,增加风冷散热器用以增强系统效率。同时对工艺用水的要求是干净不含矿物质的软化水;

7) In order to maximize the absorption of CO2 and H2S in the gas washing container, the process water temperature should be less than 10 ℃, generally maintained at around 7 ℃, and an industrial chiller unit should be installed to maintain the process water temperature. In cold environments, along with chillers, adding air-cooled radiators to enhance system efficiency. The requirement for process water is clean and mineral free softened water;

  8) 工艺水的pH值应保持稳定,由于吸收了原料气中的H2S,会降低工艺水的pH,需要加碱来维持稳定的pH值;

8) The pH value of the process water should be kept stable. Due to the absorption of H2S in the feed gas, the pH of the process water will be reduced, and alkali needs to be added to maintain a stable pH value;

  9) 吸收塔容易产生泡沫,需要消泡剂进行处理。

9) The absorption tower is easy to produce foam and needs defoamer for treatment.

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The above is an introduction to biogas purification. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://www.fengyuch.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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